Rock fans, check it out!
Stay calm ~ we understand how excited you are!
Here are FAQs for the public sales!
公開發售 Public Sales:
indigo at The O2 (
18 Dec 2024 // UKT 10:00 am
Ticket Link:
**The O2, London (包括 indigo at The O2) | 13歲或以下兒童均需由成人陪同進場;以及
**13 歲或以下兒童只能持座位門票進入活動,不能進入任何站立區域。
**場館將不會退還任何為 13 歲或以下兒童購買的站立區域門票。
*All ticket prices exclude booking fees charged by the venue.
**The O2, London | Attendees under 13s must be accompanied by an adult.
**Under 13s are only allowed with seated tickets and are not permitted in any standing areas.
**The venue will not issue refunds for standing area tickets purchased for under 13s.
*Entry arrangements are subject to the latest guidelines announced by the venue.
主辦 | Orientouch Entertainment、Touch Music Live
演出 | Josie & The Uni Boys
Paul Wong
場地 | @indigoattheo2